Roots Series
Roots Series, Works created in Cascade Falls, Silverpoint on panel, 2014-2018
Luminosity and unseen communication drive my work. The elements--earth, air, fire, water, and space--are my muses. I create from a place of stillness and allow my work to develop organically. I delve into unseen communication with a series of roots drawings, the system of roots that we do not see. My drawings emerge from my relation with the trees, the empty waterfall bed, and the elements. My intention through my work is to give energy to others. This Root Series began as a response to the drought in California in 2014-2015. I chose silverpoint as my medium. I prepare panels with layers of marble dust as a ground to hold the silver and to create a luminous effect when the light hits the surface.
Roots 1
I descended into the almost empty waterfall bed at Cascade Falls. I held the intention of
“reverence for the water element.” There, I saw these amazing roots, twisting to reach
the water. Thus, my investigation began.
Roots 2
This was a fallen tree whose roots were delving into the earth. The strength of the roots and finger like forms inspired this work.
Roots 3
The waterfall bed was essentially dry, so I descended into it to draw.
Roots 4 Shaman’s Root
The practice of returning to the same location leads me to my subject when the time is
right for me to see it. This time I saw a system of roots that looked as if they were
supporting, helping each other. The winter of 2018, while drawing this root, a drone flew
over my head and dropped dirt on my panel, and the photographer apologized. I asked
what was happening and he said there was a Shaman here who was being filmed. He
then introduced me to Cristhian Shaman Cadena, and the director asked me to be in his
video. I participated in the photo shoot and also was given Peruvian blessings.
Roots 5
Pure intrigue inspired me to study the roots of this tree. I found animal-like forms and
patterns or pareidolia in the root system.
Cascade Falls in Silver
I created this with the intent to hold “reverence for the water element.”